
Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

Download Game Maker Studio Professional Edition.


We know, that Game Maker is used to make a many games. But now, we can make a game using GAME MAKER STUDIO. And the features is...

  1. Unlimited Resource
  2. Texture Management
  3. Multiple Configuration
  4. Developer Service Portal
  5. Android Testing
  6. Windows Export
  7. Apps Export
 System Requirements:

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7 or Windows 8
  • 512MB RAM
  • 128MB graphics
  • Screen resolution of 1024×600
But, if you want to export your game to Ubuntu, Xbox, HTML, iOS, and Windows Phone, maybe you will be dissapointed. That engine version is priced $799 (Master).

Don't worry, someday we will posting about how to download GameMaker Master Edition.


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